Matt Parten – Author

Published Books and Upcoming Releases

Science Fiction and Murder Mysteries

A passenger liner with 250 people on board experiences a problem with the life support system during a trip from Earth to Mars. Is it an equipment malfunction? Or is it sabotage and murder? While others race to find a way to rescue the people on board the liner, Lt. Bryce Taylor of the Tharsis City Police Department on Mars and Lt. Eryn Garrett on a space station in Earth orbit begin to investigate. Two complete strangers working 40 million miles apart must come together to solve the mystery.
Chase Campbell is the Minister of Power Production and Distribution and a member of the Protectors. When he learns a terrible secret about the government that he has served most of his adult life, he realizes he can no longer support the Protectors. He decides to try to escape to Mars and begin again. Success means survival. Failure means almost certain death for himself and all those who help him.
Book three coming soon

Matt Parten spent more than twenty years working as a paralegal in private law firms and various state and local government agencies. He also spent 6 1/2 years as a volunteer firefighter. He “retired” in 2013 to operate the family cattle ranch near Austin, Texas. In 2016, he moved the entire operation to a small town in a rural area in south central Texas between Houston and San Antonio. He continues to operate the family cattle ranch in the new location. Death Between Planets is his first novel. He has plans to write more.

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